
Hard Man Outfitters Titan Glans Head Ring

Yet another adornment from Hard Man Outfitters. As a newsletter subscriber, this one popped up as a freebie if you buy enough stuff. I figured… hell… why not? I’ve been meaning to buy some stuff from them anyway!

The design of this glans ring is very simple. It’s a band style ring with very slightly rounded edges and a highly polished stainless finish. Knowing the weight being so low (as measured, just under 1oz), I decided it probably wasn’t worth using as a glans ring and instead went with their 35mm option so I could wear it as a shaft ring. At 1.37" inner diameter (perfectly matching the size ordered) and a width of .405" it works A-OK as a shaft ring for my size, but the height at only .115" definitely makes it look like it’s far too tight as my manhood squeezes against the restriction.

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Chandelier Crystal Shaft Ring

Yet another target of opportunity repurpose, this adornment comes courtesy of AliExpress made to serve the purpose of a chandelier crystal. In this case, it also turns out to be a great size for a shaft ring. Who wouldn’t give it a shot for only $3.50 to your door?

As a shaft ring, the crystal performs admirably if not uncomfortably. They are clear, but definitely not cut for comfort around your member given the semi-sharp edges and unrounded interior ring. However, the look is neat. Given that the crystal is clear, it will roughly take on the color of your body after being put on. This can be good or bad depending on personal preferences. On one hand, the ring almost disappears, but on the other hand, it also doesn’t sparkle and shimmer as though being lit by bright sunlight behind it.

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Beaded Jewelry Shaft Ring

Cheap target of opportunity purchases on AliExpress sometimes work out for me. While browsing one day, I came across this jewelry style beaded shaft ring.

It’s thin and cheap, but still visually interesting. Unfortunately, the sizing was a bit off and the ring is too small to use comfortably as a shaft ring. Perhaps if it were wider, I could get away with it… but the narrow profile hurts when things harden up.

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Custom 3D Printed Kalis Teeth

As a crafty individual, I’m able to bring my hobbies to bear while customizing or creating entirely new adornments. In this case, I spent an afternoon modelling the ideal Kali’s Teeth glans/shaft ring and parameterizing the model (OpenSCAD) to support customization and adjustments. After a few prototypes, the perfect model was born allowing for choosing the diameter, spike height, spike size, and number of spike rows. Most interestingly, I was able to create this model and try a set of Kali’s Teeth for pennies before committing funds for something I may not enjoy.

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Silicone Designer Shaft or Glans

A cool concept for a glans or shaft ring that loses a lot in translation due to the excessive stretch of the silicone. At 1.3" and a lot of stretch, it has a hard time triggering even modest constriction and engorgement.

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Generic Ball Weights

The classic stacker for your hangers. Pick up multiples in different sizes and weights to begin your collection.

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